Monday, June 7, 2010

Nose-poking Inc.

You often have people interfering in your work. But sometimes they are so interested in what you do that it frustrates you. There are people, specially from the non-strategic departments (Almost everyone except Sales and Marketing guys) of your company whose day begins ends and mostly comprises of wandering around the facility like an aimless street dog wagging its tail and bark at almost anything that moves.
He is the personification of the MBWA - Management By Wandering Around, its just that the M here stands for Mindfu**ing. He is highly interested in what everyone does and has an opinion on anything. I'm sure at your workplace, there is the one who takes a forty-five minute coffee break which includes peeping into every desktop monitor he can, intrude into people's privacy and say things like, "So, what's happening," and "Sirjee, aur kya haal hai," and while he says this, he is keenly observing what all windows are open on your screen. And if he finds any of those interesting, a highly insipid savor-less conversation begins. 

Even if you don't have anything interesting, he will pull the nearest chair and sit with his hands folded behind his head and exposing his sweat soaked armpits. What follows next is a couple of tasteless jokes to which he alone laughs till there are tears and you are forced to smile. This is the time you wished your phone rang or someone comes looking for you or him.

Self-proclaimed expertise in all departments of the company makes him a favorite i-have-no-work-let's-goto-him-for-timepass-wink-wink enterprise edition asshole. At lunch, when you are busy discussing something with your buddy, he will join your table, enter into the discussion uninvited like  an irritating relative and ask what's wrong and provides instant solutions for all problems you face. You feel trapped , yet you can't leave because the corporate slave in you doesn't allow you to disrespect him and you stay there and listen to the pearls of wisdom and praise him for his expertise. 

- Deepak Karamungikar


AK(Anirudh Koppula) said...

i-have-no-work-let's-goto-him-for-timepass-wink-wink enterprise edition asshole. hahahahah

it's like your a** starts burning like there is fire at that end and yet you are forced to smile and nod at the same time...

amiless street dogs hahahahah...absolutly spot on

Gunni said...

this is awesome deepu, esp. last para. I liked it a lot

shishir said...

Nice Article on Nose Diggers.

Aditya said...

i-have-no-work-let's-goto-him-for-timepass-wink-wink enterprise edition asshole

ha ha ha ha ha

and this time, i found the link :D

rajasekhar said...

What I have to say about these free upload dudes..

Unknown said...

I salute "the corporate slave" theory my friend. God bless you for such keen observations.

Harishankar said...


Varun said...

Hey I know a close person just like that :D