Monday, May 17, 2010

Observations, here and there...Americanization

Do we really need a Mother's Day to express our love to her? If you think yes, then stop reading this article. The same applies to Father's Day. Nothing in this world or even from outside this world can repay what your Father and Mother gave you - a life. Excuse me pseudo hypocrite Indian, but being a son or a daughter is a duty. In your entire lifetime, you will not be able to amass enough to honor your mother and father. So, stop promoting this Greeting Cards business.

Greeting card companies have invented more occasions/festivals than there are days in a calender year. I don't understand what exactly is one supposed to do on Friendship Day that you wouldn't do on other days? Hang out with friends? Go out? Watch a movie? Bullshit. It means, more greeting card sales, more advertising revenue, friendship band sales and lot of other such shit.

What are the odds that a girl will accept if you propose to her on Valentines Day as against other days? Please remember that if you are an asshole, she will never say 'yes' to you. The only thing that happens on Valentines Day is more greeting card sales, more business for pubs, restaurants, more Rose sales, more condom sales and the next day, more iPill sales. And these piddle-marinated brains from the Indian advertising industry make this day an event that's publicized more than the Indian Army Day.  
However, the occasions mentioned above are still acceptable. There are a few which make no sense to me whatsoever. The ones taking the cake in inanity and shit-headedness is Halloween. The other day, I overheard a software engineer telling another, "I tried Google and Wikipedia, but I didn't understand if Halloween is a man or a woman." 

Why should anyone celebrate Halloween in India? We have enough festivals dude. POP music playing pubs also organize Halloween theme parties to rob you off more money and sell beer. 200 bucks a pint. INSANE. The only good thing about Halloween is that it has given the HR fraternity some work to do between their long naps where they organize a Halloween Day where Men and Women wear some weird costume to look like ghosts in Zee Horror Show. Next time you see someone celebrating Halloween, take that pumpkin and  smash it on his head.

Well, I'm glad we are only in a nascent stage of Americanization of culture. Look at the list below and see how much crap we will have to deal with in times to come.
  • Jan 3 - Humiliation Day
  • Feb 3 - International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day
  • Mar 20 - Extraterrestrial Abductions Day
  • Apr 6 - Plan Your Epitaph Day
  • Apr 14 - Ex-spouse Day
  • May 11 - Eat What You Want Day
  • Jun 8 - Name your Poison Day
  • Jun 23 - Take your Dog to work Day (Imagine Hi-Tec city on this day)
  • Jul 13 - Barbershop Music Appreciation Day
  • Aug 28 - Race Your Mouse Day
  • Sep 19 - International Talk Like A Pirate Day
  • Oct 12 - Moment of Frustration Day
  • Nov 19 - Have a Bad Day Day
  • Dec 30 - National Bicarbonate of Soda Day
     (jackshit copied from

 - Deepak Karamungikar


rajasekhar said...

Shit is no more "BACARDI"

Priya.D said...

Take ur dog to work day! hahah. Brilliant post! Reminds me of the crazy phase back in school when suddenly friendship day was fashionable and u were considered cool if u had an arm full of those cheesy bands! :D Valentine's day gave a strange rush to teens with girls looking their best and guys nervous as hell holding some weirdly wred greeting card and a plastic rose which was cheaper than the real one! Fun post i must say! Waiting eagerly for take ur dog to work day :D haha

AK(Anirudh Koppula) said...

You've just put down exactly whatever i feel when one of "those" days comes along and people all of a sudden come alive...

No Wonder soon there should be a "Fling Day"

"Remembering the Dead Day"

blah blah blah...........

Hopeless heap of rotten mindsets!!!

btw...I saw few of 'em celebrating the the July 4th and they argued Jan 26 is our Independence Day!!!

Even God can't save us hahaha...

Venkat Parthasarathy said...

Aint there a Slap your Boss with Slippers day?

Good one DK.... keep rocking :)

Harishankar said...

you started with a great note but end up giving tips to the greeting card companys

I agree with you on Mothers day and fathers day . I love to celebrate it everyday since they have not given only life but unconditional love.

I owe everything to my parents.

With love

Unknown said...

Deepak bhai, I strongly feel this Observation of yours should be part of curriculum for all the young kids going to schools here in India. This shit is being planted in young mind and nurtured with mind blowing advertising by the big MNC's and ppl like u and me who pity these events are looked upon as idiots. God bless India, we should let our future generations know the harms of these stupids, insane celebrations.

Ravi said...

.. Dec 31 - Shit Day
and today - Happy Day :) gr8 Dude
".. more condom sales and the next day, more iPill sales." good one, but if more condom sales then it should be less ipill sales.. :P

Deepak said...

@Ravi - Condom users and iPill users are different. Those who buy the former don't need the latter and vice-versa. :-)

Sainath said...

hahaha condoms and ipills was the best one.
waiting for the next post.

Varun said...

Man, this line is hilarious...

"Please remember that if you are an asshole, she will never say 'yes' to you"

Until I read this...

"more condom sales and the next day, more iPill sales"

Keep writing man... Fully support your 1-day 1-post policy!

Sumitra said...

"...where Men and Women wear some weird costume to look like ghosts in Zee Horror Show." Ha ha ha! And the thing is even if you don't want to, you have to dress like them, else u're not abiding by team spirit!

Good one Deepak!