Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Pussification of the Modern Indian Male

Note: This post contains crude and recklessly used expletives. You may leave if you don't wish to read such posts. 

Since time immemorial, the male has been the head of a family among most humans. The man used to hunt, he used to fight, he was brave and was strong. Even in the ancient and medieval civilizations, you always hear brave stories about Men accomplishing tasks unheard of, they scaled newer peaks and bravery and courage had no limits. 

In India, even upto the 1970s and 80s, men were strong and had some qualities that they could boast of. The way men carried their pride in 1990s is still talked about. Ever since we entered the era of globalization, Indian male has lost his way. Wrong priorities, Continuous decrease in levels of common sense, increasing stupidity and computers have caused men to behave like complete assholes. Let us look at why - 
  • In the 1990s and 2000s, when I was growing up, when a friend asked you to get ready to go out somewhere, all you had to do was wear chappals and get going. Now, the process has changed. Now the friend calls, then SMSes the change in the timing. In the meanwhile, this guy will wash his face with NIVEA for MEN and then apply Shah Rukh Khan's cream on his face, then apply gel on his head to give his hair a hard-on, sprays AXE deodorant hoping to attract some future call center employee's attention, plugs his iPOD into his ears and plays Akon on it.  Then, he waits for his friend. And then they go out. What are you? fucking pussy. 
  • Everybody wants to look good. I agree. But it doesn't mean you spend Rs. 3000 per month on keeping your hair straight. You have curly hair means you have curly hair. Don't rape your hair and do things which make it look like as if ten Gautam Bhimanis are hanging from your head. 
  • While I respect the fact that guys as young as 20-22 are earning money and supporting and in some cases starting their families, I hate the over-confidence that oozes out of his ass hole when he speaks. These days, men are covering their faces, heads and almost everything with a scarf. If at 22, you are afraid of the effects of pollution on your skin, then you are like a clitoris that cannot convolute. Then these drivers, especially two-wheeler drivers who wear three layers of head gear before wearing a helmet for the fear of hair-damage that leaves a bandanna knot hanging like a goat's testicle behind your neck - fuck you too.
  • I remember my cousin telling me that in 1980s, love used to happen just with eyes. Boys and Girls, just used to look at each other for months and not say anything. On the other hand, a long stare could induce gang-wars. But now, we know of men who walk up to their cabin which is about 2 kms from the main door wearing sun-glasses even when it is dark outside and ensure that maximum people see them. Teeny boppers have started wearing sun-glasses at malls. Pricks even watch movies with their sunglasses on I guess. But you fools, a man's masculinity first lies in his eyes. Don't hide in your pick-any-Rs-100-sunglasses. Eyes in the past have undressed, not Ray-Bans. Be a man, show your eyes.
  • We have read that Men in the past could sacrifice their life to keep their word. People would swear by such men of honor. Today, we have men who violate traffic rules as easily as they masturbate. Men have lost patience - They drive a two-wheeler on the footpath because there's a jam on the road. Men have no common sense - They know that an iPad is useless but they still want it. Men have no respect for themselves - They spend Rs. 1000 for a girl's birthday gift but argue at the parking for Rs. 10. Men have no sense priority - they speak harshly to their mother but are sweet to a stranger. 
This post can never end. But stage by stage, inch by inch, as days pass by, Men are losing all qualities that made them men apart from what lies between their legs. Over these years, this process can be termed as 'The Pussification of the Modern Indian Male.'

- Deepak Karamungikar
(The term Pussification was first used by George Carlin.) 


Aditya said...

superb, awesome, i expected a much much much much longer post :)

Venkat Parthasarathy said...

Good one - its all summarized in six words.

Be a man, show your eyes.

Good to read Deepak Karamungikar after a long time.... Keep going :)

Awaiting your next !!!

Rohit KG said...

Awesome post! Take a bow, Deepu

Anonymous said...

you have been pretty nice actually...i'd loved even more bashing ;)

rajasekhar said...

Bacardi Blast

wanderer and vagabond said...

Felt like listening to a new age jimmy potter....! something really don't get solved. they get more and more in today's world...(why keep the ladies out of it) both men and women face the chaos straight on their face and if they don't want to look at it, it aims for their bottom!!!

IIM ka Sarkari Babu said...

Computers have caused men to behave like complete assholes indeed. Eg: Social Networking Sites :D

Apply Shah Rukh Khan's cream on his face - that's one badass statement :D

Like a clitoris that cannot convolute - Man !!! Awesome !!!

Pricks even watch movies with their sunglasses on I guess - Yep, have seen those idiots too :)

Be a man, show your eyes - Russell Peter se inspiration aa?

Violate traffic rules as easily as they masturbate - ROFL !!!

Men are losing all qualities that made them men apart from what lies between their legs - Some men are losing even that now-a-days :)

Harishankar said...

Eventhough I accept most of your views.

I am again reiterating you that not all young guys are like that.

Guys from rural areas always stand apart.

Praveen Kumar said...


your views are good..but in some points in somewhere, knowingly and unknowingly you are also following the latest changes whether they are bad or good, it doesn't mean that i am supporting those guys, but As the technology is changing day by day, people are getting more awareness on the electronic things, but they dont know how to use the technology properly...the problem comes there only. The guys they know how to use technology they are very much good and sometimes they are changing the world going forward..
I wanted to ask you one question,Are you against the technology coming in and using it?

Anyway I appreciate your post, I can understand your intention but it could be better if you can present it in more formal way..

Good post..

Waiting for your next post..


Yogendra said...

Doood.. What has gotten over you! Brilliant.

You are back to form, my friend. And thank you for these, they made my day:
"bandanna knot hanging like a goat's testicle behind your neck"

"we have men who violate traffic rules as easily as they masturbate."

They speak harshly to their mother but are sweet to a stranger. -- can't agree more than that.

Keep 'em comin, Deepak.

Unknown said...

Bhai, this post of yours is AMAZING. Laudable on the literary front and perfect on the practicality it showcases. One more thing, get the "cc" comparative study line patented,:). Awesome stuff, keep more frequent intervals.

NagPingili said...

Awesome post :)

Anonymous said...


Manikandan said...

Sick deepak. I like your imaginative powers but request you to use it creatively on something useful. Anyways, its a suggestion and not advise. Cheers, Mani

Deepak said...

@Manikandan - A. You didn't read the disclaimer at the beginning. B. I am turning down your request of using my skills for doing something that is useful. I will write the way I feel because this is my blog. C. Look forward to some useful stuff on your blog.
D. Read A.

Anonymous said...

Loved the post ! I second every word of what you said...and if u find a guy who tries to be original w/o such pretensions he is seen as old-fashioned or 'not-so-in' guy..!

Keep it up !

Anonymous said...

May I say something??

This is an old post and almost all those who have commented were guys.

I, as a woman would say... the same is applicable to women. And it's sad.

A few decades ago... getting dressed meant wearing something nice and having a neat hair. Hair straightening/perming, skin bleaching, make up, ... a new dress for every Facebook post as though the world would end otherwise, latest in fashion, ... I could go on. It gets on my nerves.

What do I call it?? What *****fication of women?? :-/

What's worse... 'being me the way I am' was seen as some kind of retrograde notion.

Being a woman stopped being about being compassionate or even passionate... it became about being fashionable.
Being woman stopped being about being strong. It became about playing a victim at the drop of a hat and claiming to be feminist. Really??
Being independent became less about choice and more about just jumping from one preconceived mould to another.
About eyes. :) What you said about men holds true for women too. I know of women who could move heaven with just one look of their eyes. These days eyes have simply become a hanger to hang the newest model of glasses that one bought. :-/

I think we as a society as a whole are getting pussified. It's not just the men. Women too. :-/

Nice post. You surprised me with this one. Never seen you write about social issues in the time I have known you. Good one.

Oh... and the abuses and cuss words... they are apt. Wish I was a little less ladylike. I'd have used them myself. :P